INVITATION TO BID (SAY “NO TO CORRUPTION”) Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) the largest Exploration & Production listed Company of Pakistan invites Sealed Bids from eligible firms/persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant category of following work(s) duly registered with Federal/Provincial Income Tax & Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue, as per Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rule:
2. The Master Set of Tender Document containing Annexure(s), SOR/TOR, detailed terms & conditions, Tender Notice and procedure for submission of bids are available on OGDCL web site for the interested bidders which can be viewed and downloaded from www.ogdcl.com under the title bar of Tenders/Tenders Download without any cost. 3. The bids/offers, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at the address mentioned below on or before the date and time mentioned above and the same will be opened as per above mentioned schedule above against each Tender. Bidders are requested to contact Party Chief EFP-IV at Phone # 0300-5551372 for any further queries/ information. PARTY CHIEF ENGINEERING FIELD PARTY NO. 04 AT QADIRPUR PLANT, DISTRICT GHOTKI, SINDH. Mobile # 0300-5551372 Email: pcefp4@ogdcl.com
+86 400-881-5588